Friday 29 July 2011

Website Templates

In desktop publishing, templates are pre-designed documents that we can use to create business cards, brochures, greeting cards, or other desktop documents. Some types of templates include:
  • Mix and match elements — using a Wizard or by choosing items from a list that the software assembles into our final product.
  • Pre-designed formats for documents where all we add are our own words in place of dummy or placeholder text. Graphics and typestyles are part of the template.
  • Pre-designed formats for documents that have placeholders (grid lines, boxes, dummy text) for key elements — text and graphics. We add our own text and graphics and choose the appropriate typefaces.

Website Templates

Many programs include their own set of designer templates for a variety of documents. You can also design and save your own templates. At the end of this article find links to hundreds of free templates. Let's look at some of the ways that templates can work for you.

Pros & Cons of Using Website Templates

You might have heard (or even thought it yourself) "Real designers don't use templates" or, "Templates are a substitute for real design." But there are times when using one is the most appropriate choice. Some times and ways that templates can work for you:
  • Save time with templates.
  • Offer your client a less expensive alternative to your original, made completely from scratch designs.
  • Use templates for routine forms for your own use (invoices, etc.) so you can spend more time on client work.
  • Maintain consistency with newsletters or between related marketing pieces.
  • If you're a non-designer, use templates to give a more professional edge to your own marketing materials.
  • Build your first Web page with templates until you become more comfortable with Web publishing.
  • Maintain page-to-page consistency in a large Web site and simplify updates.
Remember, in many cases Website templates are designed by well-known web designers. We often look at the work of others for inspiration, using templates is simply another way of borrowing from the talents of those around us. Starting with a template is a smart idea. However, there are still many ways to personalize them without sacrificing the benefits of speed, variety, and consistency.

Footers, style sheets and colour variations are changeable even with a template.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Google+ Plus Project

Social networking and social interaction has become a huge marketing business and Google has been working hard to catch up with rivals Facebook. Google+ or the Google Plus One Button is a powerful new tool that will soon allow Google users to share websites and web content the same way as Facebook users are currently now able to do with the Social Bookmark Like button.

It’s not surprising to any online marketing companies that Google has followed suit. After all, Facebook’s Like Button was a viral marketing piece of technical brilliance.

Millions of websites around the world have since added the little buttons or coding to their websites, allowing visitors and web users to not only voice their approval, but to also share with their hundreds or thousands of friends, not a lenthly process but it alkl happens within a few seconds. Today, you’re unlikely to find a single blog, E-commerce website, or Internet and Online business site without a Facebook Like or Social Marketing button.

So, we welcome Google+ with their version of their own very popular social tool.

As Google states, The +1 button is shorthand for "this is pretty cool" or "you should check this out."  It does exactly what it is coded for.

Click +1 to publicly give something your stamp of approval. Your +1's can help friends, contacts, and others on the web to find the best stuff when they search.
There are so many websites out on the net that deserve Kudos!

So, Webmasters, website owners and Marketing Companies, Do You want to put the +1 button on your own website?

Get the Google+ 1 Code